Thursday, October 29, 2009


This Thursday and Friday you could win a $25 visa gift card. Here's how:

1. Thursday and Friday send the most emails from your Heart Walk website that day and you win.

2. Thursday and Friday raise the most money online that day and you win.

3. Thursday and/or Friday send 15 emails from your Heart Walk website and you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card.
(One winner chosen at random)

4. Thursday and/or Friday raise $25 from your Heart Walk website and you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card. One entry for each $25 raised.
(One winner chosen at random).

Friday, October 23, 2009

Four-Winners, Fun, Friday Challenge

We are less than $25,000 away from $1.2 million raised. Help us get there by raising or donating $25 today as part of our Fun-Friday-Challenge.

You could win a $25 CVS gift card today. Four winners will be chosen at random from everyone raising $25 today. If you haven't started your fundraising effforts yet, make today the day by donating $25 to yourself. If you donate or raise more than $25 you will receive multiple entries in the drawing. If everyone registered raises $25 we will raise over $150,000 today! The easiest way to raise money is to make sure to send emails for donations from your Heart Walk website. For every 10 donation emails you send you should raise from $60-$100. Make this is a Fun-Friday by raising funds today!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

How your donation can make a difference!

Wondering what happens when you donate to the Start! Heart Walk or any other American Heart Association cause?! Well here is a break down of what your gift could do for others...

Make available the newest CPR Guidelines to an emergency care provider, giving them the most effective skills when treating a patient in cardiac arrest

Teach up to 50 people how to assess their risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke and provide the steps for them to identify and reduce their risk.

Provide one pediatrician, nurse, or emergency healthcare provider with the specialized training to recognize and treat cardiovascular diseases in infants and children

$40 a month/year

Send a doctor or scientist to the International Stroke Conference, where they will be introduced to the latest advancements in the treatment and prevention of stroke


Provide an early career scientist with the opportunity to participate with peers in the latest cardiovascular diseases and stroke research through a one year professional
membership with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association


Equip one hospital or health department with American Stroke Association resources to educate patients, the public and health professionals on stroke prevention and life after stroke – the #3 cause of death and leading cause of disability


Teach 50 people in your community the connection between good food and good health by showing them heart-healthy ways to prepare food using the Recipes for the Heart cookbook


Distribute the innovative CPR Anytime to 10 community members, who can then train 2 to 3 friends or loved ones – providing the community with more than 30 people with essential CPR skills


Teach more than 1,200 children how to avoid obesity and live longer, stronger lives through our nutrition and exercise materials for kids


Introduce 500 women to our Go Red For Women movement and empower them to take charge of their heart health with a red dress pin, cholesterol/blood pressure/weight tracker and other health information

Send a heart disease or stroke survivor to our annual Heart and Stroke Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. to educate decision-makers about issues that affect the nation’s cardiovascular health. Recent successes include funding for and placement of portable defibrillators in crowded cities and rural areas.


Enable our cultural health program, Search Your Heart, to reach 10 African-American or Latino/Hispanic places of worship, reaching 3,000 people with heart disease and stroke prevention information. Since 1996, Search Your Heart has touched over 300,000 African Americans, Hispanic/Latinos or other groups through 15,000 faith-based organizations across the U.S.


Enable 10 hospitals to implement our Get With The Guidelines quality improvement program designed to improve outcomes for cardiac and stroke patients


Fund a one-year Pre-doctoral Fellowship to help a medical student begin a career in heart or stroke research. Research is the starting point for all scientific advances. Pacemakers, new forms of surgery and lifesaving drugs could not have been developed without thousands of hours and thousands of dollars first spent in research. The American Heart Association is proud to have funded research which has led to these and other important breakthroughs.

Monday, October 5, 2009

2009 Start! GWR Heart Walk Event Information

Here is some basic information for the upcoming walk on November 14th as well as the route map for the walk. Hope to see you all there!

8:30 am - Start! Heart Walk Festivities begin. There are informational tents, health screenings, refreshments and entertainment.

9:30 am - join event Chair and President and CEO of CACI Paul Cofoni for a special program.

10:00 am - The walk steps off!

For more information please contact TJ Gioconda by email at or call at(703)248-1715